What can you do...


Sign up for updates and be part of our movement!

To receive information on the campaign including invites to meetings and updates on activities and news, please sign up here. We promise not to bombard you with too much. We’ll just send you information that we think you’ll find useful and interesting.


Sign up for updates and be part of our movement!

To receive information on the campaign including invites to meetings and updates on activities and news, please sign up here. We promise not to bombard you with too much. We’ll just send you information that we think you’ll find useful and interesting.

Get involved

You can get involved as little or as much as your like. Collectively we can all make a massive difference! If you are representing a community group/organisation, or if you would like to discuss anything, please contact us by email at aoasb@outlook.com

How you can help:

Like, follow and share

We'd love to have you be a part of our community! Stay up to date with us by connecting on WhatsApp and following us on our social media channels - Instagram | Facebook | X
Don’t forget to spread the word to your neighbours and other Brixton residents!

Attend our meetings

We hope to host community meetings where you will be able to hear updates and provide your opinions.

Support our activities

This could include things like taking part in a survey or petition.

Tell us about your experiences

Tell us about how anti-social behaviour is affecting you so we can build up a picture of the issues that need addressing - online form coming soon!


We’re an independent and self-funded campaign run by the community for the community. This has all been made possible by the generosity of people donating their time and funds. We’re looking to raise funds to help with administration costs, including things like website hosting, IT services, event costs and printing fliers/posters to promote events/activities.. If you would like to donate, please click here to visit site our Go Fund Me page

Tell your story to the media

If you would like to speak with the media about your experience of living with anti-social behaviour get in touch.


We have a group of volunteers that all bring different skills to the table and who want to get involved in different ways.

If you would like to volunteer, please complete the form and let us know how you can help – everyone welcome​.

Join our community

Sign up for updates and be part of our movement!

Join our community

Sign up for updates and be part of our movement!

Join our community

Sign up for updates and be part of our movement!